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Homemade Oils I Recommend for for hair Growth
Hair loss or premature hair fall has become a common issue in both men and women. Google Trend data shows that as of 2004 to date, twice as many people have searched for ways to control it. Medical issues apart, the fact that we do not dedicate enough time to self-care is a primary reason our hair health stands compromised.
My mother would say, hair care begins at home, and it’s something we must commit to from the very beginning. I understand we lead a fast-paced life, and we look for quick, DIY natural remedies for hair growth. So, I am here to fix you with some recipes for homemade oils for hair growth that you can easily prepare. I will also focus on their benefits as well.

Why not use over-the-counter specialty hair oils?
Most store-bought hair care products today, including hair oils, tend to be loaded with harsh chemicals. This makes it a real challenge to land light and effective solutions for your hair care routine.
On the other hand, DIY hair oils are made with natural ingredients packed with nutrients necessary for the scalp. Consider homemade oil concoctions as oil in its pure form, i.e., minus the chemicals & additives, thus making them more effective.
Choosing Ingredients that are easily and universally available
I like to use local produce, as much as possible, to make my hair oils. That way, the ingredients are readily available to me.
FYI: Irrespective of the reason behind your hair issue, certain oils get absorbed more easily than others. Rice bran or jojoba oil are not good at penetrating the hair shaft.
Try olive, coconut, castor, avocado and palm oil options instead as the base of your homemade hair oil. These oils feed your hair from within & guard the hair shafts from becoming too porous. They help maintain the water and oil balance, which in turn makes hair stronger and prevents breakage.
Homemade Aloe Vera Hair Oil
- Slice open one aloe vera leaf into two halves and scoop out the gel.
- Mix it with coconut oil. Remember that it must be a 50-50 mixture, i.e., ½ cup coconut oil and ½ cup of aloe gel.
- Slow simmer the mixture for about 6-7 minutes and let it cool down completely.
- Once it cools, I add 3-4 drops of rosemary essential oil (optional)
- You need to store the mixture in a cool place for at least two weeks before using it.
Aloe vera benefits the hair in more than one way. Here’s what you’ll see after consistent use:
- Soothes dry and itchy scalp
- Gets rid of dandruff
- Restores the pH balance of your scalp and hair
- Strengthens weak hair
- Increases hair growth
DIY Rosemary Oil for hair
A popular cooking ingredient, rosemary can also be used as a potent solution for your hair health. If you don’t have rosemary essential oil at your place, don’t worry. My recipe with fresh or dried rosemary is just as effective.
- Take a clean jar (sterilized and dried)
- Smash the herb and gather them in the jar
- Fill the jar with unrefined coconut oil to cover the rosemary (1/4 herb and oil ratio). If you are using fresh rosemary, make sure it is completely dry.
- Close the jar tightly and keep it in a warm place for 2-3 weeks. Don’t forget to shake the jar occasionally to release the essential oils.
- After resting it for three weeks, strain the oil out in another glass jar and use it.
- It can be stored for up to 6 months.
Tip: you can also add fresh or dry mint leaves to this concoction. If you think your hair is dull, mint will give it a boost of energy and control your scalp’s oil production, thus, maintaining its pH balance. Also, coconut oil can be an excellent base if you have weak and frizzy hair.
Let’s see its benefits.
- It can revive starving hair follicles by increasing the blood circulation in your scalp, thus preventing them from dying.
- Excessive sunlight exposure can cause much damage. Rosemary oil can act as a great defense.
- The carnosic acid in rosemary helps restore nerve and tissue damage on the scalp.
- By having antibacterial properties, the oil helps clean your hair follicles, thereby promoting growth.
- It has anti-inflammatory attributes and also promotes cellular health, both of which stimulate hair growth.
- Rosemary oil may also treat dandruff and premature greying.
Word of caution: Avoid direct eye contact & excessive application to your scalp. In its pure form, it might cause irritation. So, always dilute it with carrier oil first.
Homemade onion hair oil
You can actually add onion extracts into your regular hair oil to alleviate its overall benefits for hair growth and restoration.
- You can use the juice or paste of onion for this oil
- Pour coconut oil (6 tablespoons) into a pan and add the paste or juice of one small onion
- Mix well and heat the mixture
- After it comes to a bubble, turn off the flame and let it cool down
- Strain the oil in a clean jar and use it for six months (store in the refrigerator)
Our hair is made of keratin which is essentially a type of protein that is high in sulfur. Onions are considered an essential nutritional element for the body, and it is also rich in dietary sulfur. So, it provides your scalp with an extra dose of sulfur to make your hair lustrous and thicker. Onion may also improve collagen production, responsible for the production of healthy skin cells.
Onion hair oil helps prevent the following:
- Thinning hair
- Brittle or dry hair
- Scalp infection
- Inflamed or itchy scalp
Onion hair oil may also work for certain hair loss conditions like alopecia. However, this is not backed by scientific proof. However, it may regenerate hair growth while you are dealing with a hair loss condition.
Note: Direct onion juice application on skin can cause itching and redness. Also, since onion has a stench, be sure to wash your hair thoroughly after use.
Fennel oil for hair growth
Fennel seeds are a common ingredient in Mediterranean kitchens. I also use it as a part of my hair care routine.
- Chop up ½ cup of fennel
- Pour a cup of coconut or olive oil into the pan and add the coarsely chopped fennel seeds
- Heat the mixture and allow it to come to a boil
- Turn the flame to medium and let it simmer for a few minutes
- Set aside and let it cool
- Strain the oil into a container and store it in the fridge to increase its shelf life
This DIY oil can make your tresses stronger and longer. Here are some of its benefits:
- Free radical damage happens due to oxidative stress that causes hair to weaken. Fennel is rich in antioxidants like copper, iron, niacin, and folate, which help boost hair growth.
- Is your hair oily? Fennel oil is good news for you then. It soothes the itchy and inflamed scalp; It also tightens large pores and tones the scalp skin.
- It keeps hair moisturized and restores its original luster.
- Using this homemade oil from time to time prevents bacterial growth and helps maintain a clean scalp.
- Fennel seeds are rich in iron, Vitamin C and calcium, which prevents hair breakage.
Do Homemade hair oils really work?
Most clinical studies that have indicated definitive positive results using natural oils were done on rats, whereas the results of those with human participants remain inconclusive. Still, I would say consistency is the key, and I have benefited from using natural oils for my scalp health. I used to have unmanageable frizzy hair as a child, But consistent use of hibiscus oil changed the texture of my hair for the better.
If you are looking for ways to ensure your hair stays strong, add natural oils to your hair care routine. They may also improve early-stage hair loss. But natural oils may not revive hair follicles that have become inactive. They may fail to work as the only hair regrowth treatment alternative if there is a medical condition causing hair thinning.
Best alternative or addition to homemade natural hair oils
Weak follicles are the most common cause of receding hairline. Now, you might wonder if there is a way to revive the hair follicles that are no longer producing any hair. The good news is there is, and the answer is Light Energy.
Low-level lasers generate light energy, which, when applied to the scalp, revives the hair cells that had gone into sleep mode. The efficacy of Low-level Laser or LLLT (Therapy) is also backed by science, is a non-invasive treatment for hair regrowth and, can be received at one’s home using a laser-based device such as a comb, a hairband, a cap, or a helmet.
Final Thoughts
Homemade natural oils have been in use for centuries to promote hair health. But, even my mothers would say, don’t let your pores close up because closed pores would not produce new hair no matter how much oil you use. At times various health conditions would lead to miniaturized hair follicles, something that is beyond our control. In that case, we must seek medical help, and low-level lasers can be used in combination with other treatment options to reinvigorate the affected hair cells.